23 julio 2007

The world's tallest building: Burj Dubai

Builder: Dubai High-Rise World's Tallest
“…After North American and Asian cities marked their 20th century economic booms with skyscrapers, the Gulf grew eager to show off its success with ever taller buildings. In Dubai, long an oil-rich Gulf symbol of rapid economic growth, the building reflects the city's hunger for global prestige… "It's a symbol of Dubai as a city of the world," said Greg Sang, the project director for Emaar Properties… Mohammed Ali Alabbar, chairman of Emaar, said it will be an architectural and engineering masterpiece of concrete, steel and glass. Dubai has "resisted the usual and has inspired to build a global icon," he said.…”

Rising Skyscraper Becomes World's Tallest
“…It's not even finished, and already the Burj Dubai Tower in the United Arab Emirates is the tallest of the tall... When it's completed next year, the $1 billion building will soar to a neck-bending height of nearly 2,300 feet — almost half-a-mile. It's record-shattering 160 floors will include apartments, a hotel, and, of course, an observation deck to look down at all the others…”

Burj Dubai 'world's tallest tower'
“…A year and a half ahead of completion and already 512m tall, the skyscraper known as Burj Dubai (Dubai Tower) has become the world's tallest building, according to its developers... If independently confirmed, it will take over as number one from the Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which has dominated the world's skyline at 508m since 2004… The final height of the Burj, expected to be finished by the end of 2008, is a closely guarded secret… Emaar, the state-owned development company, is only willing to say that construction work will stop sometime after the tower reaches 700m…”

Burj Dubai sets global records
“…The company has yet to reveal the final height and number of storeys. When completed, Burj Dubai will have consumed 330,000 cubic metres of concrete, 39,000 metric tonnes of steel rebar, 142,000 square metres of glass and 22 million man hours. The tower will have 56 elevators travelling at 1.75 to 10 metres per second and double-decker observatory elevators that can carry 42 people at a time… More than 313,700 cubic metres of reinforced concrete and 62,200 tonnes of reinforcing steel have been used in the tower's construction so far. Burj Dubai has already set a world record for vertical concrete pumping for a building by pumping to more than 460 metres. The previous record of 448 metres was held by Taipei 101…”

Dubai tower is now 'world's tallest'
“…Developers of a 1,680-foot (512 meters) skyscraper still under construction in oil-rich Dubai has claimed that it has become the world's tallest building, surpassing Taiwan's Taipei 101 which has dominated the global skyline at 1,667 feet (508 meters) since 2004… The Burj Dubai is expected to be finished by the end of 2008 and its planned final height has been kept secret. The state-owned development company Emaar Properties, one of the main builders in rapidly developing Dubai, said only that the tower would stop somewhere above 2,275 feet… When completed, the skyscraper will feature more than 160 floors, 56 elevators, luxury apartments, boutiques, swimming pools, spas, exclusive corporate suites, Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani's first hotel, and a 124th floor observation platform…”

Dubai ya tiene la torre más alta del mundo
“…La torre empezó a construirse en 2004 y se espera que quede concluida en 2008. Su construcción corre por cuenta de la empresa surcoreana Samsung, por un valor de 1000 millones de dólares… Una vez terminado, el rascacielos tendrá más de 160 pisos, 56 ascensores, departamentos de lujo, boutiques , piletas de natación y spas, entre muchas otras comodidades... La Burj Dubai es el eje de un gigantesco proyecto de 20.000 millones de dólares que prevé también la construcción de un nuevo barrio, el Downtown Burj Dubai, de 30.000 departamentos, y el mayor centro comercial del mundo, según sus promotores… Los arquitectos e ingenieros que dirigen el proyecto son estadounidenses y el principal contratista es de Corea del Sur. Los asesores de seguridad son australianos y el diseñador interior de la parte baja del edificio es de Singapur. La mayor parte de los 4000 obreros son de la India. "Es un símbolo de Dubai como ciudad del mundo", expresó Greg Sang, director del proyecto…”

Esclavos expulsados del paraíso
“…Miles de inmigrantes asiáticos cuyo objetivo es entrar en la Unión Europea a través de Canarias se han ido concentrando durante los últimos meses en Guinea Conakry. La mayoría son indios, paquistaníes y ceilaneses expulsados de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, donde han trabajado en la construcción de la faraónica capital de Dubai. En los puertos de Conakry y de Kumsar les esperan cientos de barcos chatarra como los que han arribado al archipiélago español en los últimos años. El despliegue de la agencia europea de fronteras Frontex ha desbaratado sus últimos intentos. Pero las autoridades de la UE temen que los traficantes cambien su estrategia para vulnerar la barrera de control marítimo…”

El nuevo techo del mundo
“..El rascacielos será empleado para varios usos. En sus primeras plantas albergará un hotel, mientras que la zona intermedia del edificio será destinada para unos 700 apartamentos privados, mientras que el resto de plantas serán empleadas como oficinas. Lo que sí está definido es el uso de dos plantas en concreto: en la 123 se situará un mirador y en la 124 un observatorio (a unos 440 metros de altura)… Las especiales características de Dubai, ciudad emplazada en medio del desierto, han obligado a Smith a poner en práctica peculiares técnicas de construcción como por ejemplo, la necesidad de mezclar cemento con hielo para aportar la dureza necesaria en las temperaturas elevadas del desierto…”

1 comentario:

aisha dijo...

Oh my Gosh,
I have no words!!
How human beings may create such masterpiece, it is incredible!!
I know now why businessmen, countries from all over the world are investing in Dubai property, cause it is a really profitable investment. The country and its people are doing everything in order to attract new investors.