10 diciembre 2005

Chile en Elecciones Presidenciales y Parlamentarias / Chile's Presidential Elections

Elecciones presidenciales: los escenarios que se abren este domingo
“…En el comando de la abanderada oficialista descartan, tajantemente, que cualquiera de los candidatos de la Alianza logre derrotar en primera vuelta a Michelle Bachelet o que ésta no pase a segunda vuelta y sí lo haga el representante del Pacto Juntos Podemos Más, Tomás Hirsch… En la práctica, cualquiera de estos últimos escenarios se convertiría en un verdadero terremoto político para el oficialismo, porque implicaría que por primera vez desde que la Concertación es gobierno bajaría ostensiblemente su votación que bordea el 44% del electorado nacional… Ahora, de los cuatro escenarios políticos que cuentan con mayores probabilidades estadísticas –según las encuestas y el comando oficialista– el que resulta más auspicioso y beneficioso para Bachelet es que logre ganar en primera vuelta…”

Joaquín Lavín, un pinochetista arrepentido
“…Tal vez quien mejor ha definido a Joaquín Lavín es Lucía Hiriart de Pinochet: "En mi casa no votaremos por Lavín. Es un traidor"… Es que de su pinochetismo exacerbado, que lo llevó a la cúpula de la Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI), Lavín pasó a rechazar la figura del ex dictador tardíamente, cuando éste ya era un cadáver político, después de la aparición de las cuentas en el Banco Riggs…”

Voto de las Fuerzas Armadas podría estar dividido en eventual segunda vuelta
“…”En el Ejército es muy distinta la votación de la oficialidad con respecto a la del cuadro permanente porque son orígenes sociales diferentes y puede que haya votos para la abanderada concertacionista. Lo cierto es que cada vez más el voto dogmático en contra de la Concertación que históricamente tienen los militares ha ido evolucionando hacia un voto más consensuado y pensado, ya que hay ciertas animadversiones que comienzan a desdibujarse en la conciencia de los militares”, señalan los expertos…”

“…En el padrón electoral chileno hay sólo 797.991 jóvenes de entre 18 y 29 años inscritos, de los casi tres millones que según el último censo del Instituto Nacional de Estadística están en esa franja de edad, indicó a la AFP María Cristina Boin, del Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (Injuv)…”

Abogado Eduardo Contreras recordó que Piñera fue procesado por estafa
"…El candidato de Renovación Nacional, se presenta como un correcto empresario, cuando al promediar los años ochenta, Piñera y Carlos Massad, fueron procesados por estafa en Talca, juzgados por el tribunal y ratificado por la Corte de Apelaciones", rememoró el abogado…”

El anecdotario de las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias
“…66 es el número de candidatos a senadores para estos comicios, divididos en cuatro pactos: la Concertación Democrática (DC-PPD-PS-PRSD), la Alianza por Chile (UDI-RN), el pacto Juntos Podemos Más (PC-PH e independientes de izquierda) e independientes… Entre todos ellos aspiran a renovar 20 escaños de la Cámara Alta, aunque en la práctica 27 candidatos (40,9 % del total) son actuales legisladores que de distinta manera, mantendrán su lazo con el Poder Legislativo, si resultan electos… 14 de ellos esperan ser reelectos como senadores, mientras que otros 13 son actuales diputados en ejercicio, que ahora quieren ser parte de la Cámara Alta. A todos ellos se suma en solitario el único senador vitalicio (Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle), quien quiere permanecer en el Congreso, pero como legislador electo popularmente…”

Female, Agnostic and the Next Presidente?
“…As a single mother, Bachelet is a symbol of change in a country so culturally conservative that it legalized divorce only last year. As both the child of a military family and a victim of prison and torture under the former military dictatorship, she is also a symbol of healing in a country long divided by ideology, class and competing versions of a tumultuous recent history…”

The unexpected travails of the woman who would be president
“…As a woman in a socially conservative country, Ms Bachelet represents change as well as continuity. She would be only the third woman to be elected president in Latin America—and the first who was not the widow of a public figure. She has argued that her sex is an electoral advantage: Chileans “don't only want a society that is successful but also one that protects; a woman can achieve progress on both fronts,” she says. Polls showed that most voters were happy to choose a woman…”

Michelle Bachelet: a break with Chile’s male-dominated politics
“…This Sunday, 11 December 2005, could be regarded as just another of Chile’s routine polling days since the return to democracy in 1990. Well into the hot, southern-hemisphere summer and with bars and restaurants closed, the occasion will be used to hold a family gathering or make a day trip to the seaside, perhaps after voting early in the morning. Formally, voting is compulsory, but in reality it isn’t, since no sanctions are enforced on non-voters. Chileans, however, follow tradition and tend to turn out at the polls in large numbers…”

Chile's Bachelet Set to Win Most Votes in Presidential Election
“…Chilean physician Michelle Bachelet, a socialist who opposed Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship, is set to take the most votes in this weekend's election, signaling confidence in the ruling coalition that has limited spending and kept the economy expanding since 2000…”

From torture cell to seat of power
“…A single mother of three once tortured by Gen Augusto Pinochet is favourite to become the first elected female president in a major South American country… Three decades ago Michelle Bachelet, then a Left-wing student, was forced into exile. But as voters in the macho nation of Chile prepare to deliver an historic choice in tomorrow's poll, Gen Pinochet, now 90 and facing corruption charges, will watch from house arrest…”

Chileans set to elect a woman
“…A crescendo of female voices fills the Diego Portales Convention Center at a recent presidential debate on women's issues.”Michelle" is the rallying cry, as a predominantly female crowd of 3,000 cheers on Chile's sole female contender… "It's inspiring," says Magdalena Correa, to the wide-eyed approvals of two friends. "We came to support Michelle because we're women, heads of the household, self-employed, and we want there to be a stronger voice for women in Chile…"

Outgoing Chilean president `leaving things in strong shape'
“…On the eve of elections in this booming Andean country, President Ricardo Lagos is set to leave office as one of Latin America's most popular leaders and an inspiration to leftist governments around the region… A poll released this week shows Lagos enjoying a 71 percent approval rating three months before the end of his five-year term, while Michelle Bachelet, a former minister in his government, is expected to lead in voting Sunday to replace him…”

Latina creating history
“…South Asians pride themselves because we have elected the world’s first woman prime minister. That was Sirimavo Bandarnaike of Sri Lanka in 1960, at a time when in countries like Switzerland women were not even allowed to vote, let alone stand for elections. In fact, all four nations of South Asia have had women prime ministers. This in itself is remarkable, and more so because two of these four nations are Islamic. But the drawback of this feat is that all these women were from strong political families, and in fact stepped into power because of their connection to the careers of their husbands or fathers…”

Bachelet tipped to become Chile's first female president
“…Socialist Michelle Bachelet has emerged as the clear favourite to win Chile's presidential elections scheduled for Sunday and likely to become the Latin American country's first-ever female leader… Pollsters, however, doubt that Bachelet, 54, would achieve the required 50 percent votes and predicted that her victory would be secured in the planned Jan 15 runoff between the leading two candidates…”

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