The Government of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, is developing Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) with the goal of creating a regional center of excellence for medical services, medical education, and life science research and development in the Middle East.
As a locus of political and economic stability and innovation, Dubai is in a position to serve the region's needs for high-quality health care, and to be a model for institution-building in the region. The leadership of DHCC is committed to the principle of accessibility for all, to professional and academic development, and to international recognition for quality of care as well as patient privacy, rights, and satisfaction.
DHCC is the world's first health care free zone. Entities within DHCC can benefit from the free zone benefits. Please refer to the DHCC by-laws for further information.
Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) represents an opportunity to leverage Dubai's successful growth and development along with the region's professional capital—and the experience of its partners in medical education, health care systems development, and strategic planning—to create a location of choice for high-quality and innovative health care management, education, and research, enriched by international health care providers yet unhindered by legacy systems and practices.
DHCC has invited internationally respected institutions in health care delivery, education, services, and research and development to collocate on the site to take advantage of the synergies brought about by physical proximity, interconnectivity, and professional collaboration. Medical centers in Great Britain , Germany , and the United States have expressed interest in participating in DHCC, with particular interest directed to the academic medical center component. The DHCC tenants will have to meet international building standards and quality standards, including accreditation within 36 months of start-up, and will face probation and then suspension of license if accreditation is not forthcoming. The licensing and quality management processes and decision-making have been delegated by DHCC to autonomous boards with international representation.
The total site comprises of two phases, including disease treatment, prevention and wellness facilities. The first phase, located behind Wafi City, Dubai, is approximately 4.1 million square feet in size. The second phase, dedicated to wellness facilities, will be announced soon. DHCC's services and facilities will be available to the UAE, the whole of the Middle East, and surrounding regions. Under the auspices of the Center for Healthcare Planning and Quality (CPQ), Harvard Medical International and DHCC will oversee a quality assurance system that will guide continuous improvement throughout the entire site.
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